Converge Coffee
Learn from Experts Like They Were Right Across a Coffee Table
We found 7 episodes of Converge Coffee with the tag “podcasting”.
Episode 120: How Being a Better Guest Creates a Better Podcast Experience
October 21st, 2022 | Season 5 | 17 mins 51 secs
content, customer experience, erik deckers, podcast experience, podcast guest, podcast host, podcasting, pro blog service, writing
In this episode, Sean sits down with Erik Deckers, president of Pro Blog Service, a content marketing agency with clients around the world. Spoiler Alert: He is now the co-host of Converge Coffee! We dive into why Erik wanted to start a podcast but chose to co-host at Converge Coffee. They go deeper into his experiences and how he uses his writing background not only to be a great host but also insights on being a great podcast guest. Erik gives some great insights how to be a great podcast guest stemming back to his writing experience. He even gives more insight and a few wonderful examples from his own personal experiences and talks about his passions beyond writing and podcasting. Hint. Hint. He loves words and writing humor columns and screenplays along with spending time with his family.
Episode 113: How Listening to Customers Created a Business Focused Community
October 15th, 2021 | Season 5 | 28 mins 29 secs
customer experience, podcasting, podcasting community, podcasts, rock felder, squadcast
In this episode, Sean sits down with Rock Felder, COO at SquadCast. They dive into why Rock and his co-founder Zach started the company. They go deeper into his experiences and view about product led growth in the booming podcasting world. Rock explains how they grew the SquadCast team around engaging customers and building a podcasting community. Rock shares insights on how to build a company from scratch and the phases needed to get it to be sustainable. Rock's helpful and easy tone shows how passionate he is about helping a community with not pushing product but rather adapting to customer needs.
Episode 112: How to Leverage Your Podcast to Build Great Customer Experiences
October 15th, 2021 | Season 5 | 18 mins 43 secs
alex sanfilippo, creating a brand, customer experience, podcasting, podcastsop, podmatch, solocasters
In this episode, Sean sits down with Alex Sanfilippo. They dive into why Alex started PodMatch and PodcastSOP and his need to help solocasters scaling their podcasts. They go deeper into his approach on figuring out product market fit. Alex explains from his experience how to leverage being a guest and a host in podcasting. Alex shares insights on how deliver better customer experiences through podcasting and marketing channels leading to the podcast. Alex's excited and friendly tone shows how passionate he is about helping podcasters and solocasters alike scale their podcasts and grow communities.
Episode 98: How to Balance a Well Executed Podcast while Growing an Agency
June 18th, 2021 | Season 5 | 30 mins 23 secs
customer experience, edge of the web radio, erin sparks, marketing agency, podcasting, site strategics
In this episode, Sean sits down with Erin Sparks, President of Site Strategics and Host of EDGE of the Web Radio. They dive into what was the original thought of starting EDGE of the Web Radio podcast - almost 10 year ago. They go deeper into how do you stay on top of such a fast growing medium. Erin shares insights on how balance his agency with highly syndicated podcast. Hint: He found a way to build the podcast as part of his agency. Erin's energetic, fun vibe shows in his tone and is represented in his passions to help others and share how he built momentum with his company.
Episode 95: How Focusing on One Segment Maximizes Customer Experience
March 19th, 2021 | Season 5 | 26 mins 6 secs
customer experience, peter birsinger, podcasting, podscribe, technology
In this episode, Sean sits down with Peter Birsinger, CEO & Founder at Podscribe. They dive into why Peter started Podscribe and how the company has evolved. They go deeper into how Peter leads the company on balancing tech improvements while delivering great customer experience. Peter shares insights on what podcasters should focus on this year (2021) and how Podscribe has evolved in more detail to help more podcasters with their transcriptions. Peter's chill, focused, and dry humored vibe shows in his tone and is represented in his passion to help podcasters and pushing life to the max while helping his employees and customers.
Episode 88: How Leaders Should View the Digital Workplace
March 19th, 2021 | Season 5 | 26 mins 56 secs
customer experience, cx, neil miller, podcasting, the digital workplace, workforce
In this episode, Sean sits down with Neil Miller, host of The Digital Workplace. They dive into why Neil started The Digital Workplace and lessons learned from guests. They go deeper into how why digital meetings are the most pressing need for companies today. Neil shares insights from over 150 podcast episodes and how companies should view work productivity. Neil's deep understanding of mindset gives a unique perspective on workforce being about human beings and how to scale that without being robotic.
Episode 44: The Growth of Podcasting
October 10th, 2019 | Season 3 | 22 mins 51 secs
begin podcasting now, growth now movement, justin schenck, podcast marketing, podcasting
In this episode, Sean sits down with Justin Schenck, Founder of Growth Now Movement and Begin Podcasting Now. They dive into why he started his podcast businesses. They go deeper into podcast marketing essentials a lot of companies miss. Justin gives his insight on where podcast is going.